Cheryl Nester, RIA founder and managing member, brings a unique background to financial and business management. She has a Bachelor of Business Administration degree and Master's Level training in Christian education. She has experience in finance having worked as a Registered Representative in 1982 with a national firm, and then in accounting with one of the big eight, now big-four, accounting firms. Cheryl then transitioned into the nonprofit world where she strengthened organizations for over 20 years via organization and financial management, fundraising, and capital expansion. Additionally, Cheryl served as the chief executive officer and chief financial officer for a decade within a classical Christian school and has served on numerous nonprofit boards.
During her tenure with nonprofits, Cheryl saw that one of their primary needs was a way to strengthen their management and financial operations while maintaining the integrity of their mission. Her time in the corporate world revealed a similar need with individuals and business owners. With her background in business, accounting, and economics, Cheryl wanted to provide a resource to offer this assistance. In 2008, she began her financial and management consulting work with her companies, HistorInvesting, LLC and HistorConsulting, Inc. In 2013 Historlnvesting, LLC became a Registered Investment Advisor providing fee-only financial advisory services for clients. In 2020, Cheryl became a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst and has since worked as an advocate for many divorce proceedings across the United States. For more information about retaining a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst, click here.
Cheryl has also enjoyed being a part of various community service projects throughout Virginia. Her activities have included work toward establishing branch libraries for rural communities, development of a mentoring program for high school teen girls, and creation of a summer sports camp for children in first through seventh grades. Her passion for serving her community, her clients, and ultimately the Lord, has provided her with great opportunity to impact change over the past four decades within the corporate and nonprofit worlds.