A Call for National Unity in the Midst of Political Tension
“There is no perfect country; and to speak out against what you believe is wrong in a nation does not mean that you are any less...

Evaluating Conventional Wisdom
Wisdom can be defined as “the ability to live life skillfully”. It is needed in all areas of life, especially in the financial aspect. ...

The Gift Giver’s Goodness
(Avoiding the Temptation of the Spirit of the Miser) I am acquainted with a woman who has been lavished with fine gifts. Her husband has...

Principles for Unity
For Christians there is one thing needed in the life and work of individual believers: the blessing of the Lord. The notable Chinese...

It Started by Winning Hearts and Minds
Incorporating a long-term historical perspective into the analysis of current processes or events is often helpful, but is frequently...

An Analysis of the 2008 Financial Crisis and the U.S. Government Proposal to Interject $700 Billion
The deleveraging – unwinding from debt – that is currently sending the U.S. financial markets reeling is but a symptom of the root...

Liberal…In The Classical Sense
Classical Christian Schools provide a liberal arts education. Classically defined, this means to “study truth for its own sake, not only...

The Tools of Learning and The Learning Process
One of the definitions for the word tool is “anything that serves as a means: as, books are a scholar’s tools“. (Webster’s dictionary) ...

Successful Government Schools?
The 20th century system of government education in the United States has been very successful. Before concluding that perhaps this is a...

The Fulfillment of Man: Relationship Versus Knowledge
“Knowledge puffs up but love edifies.” (1Corinthians 8:1) At the heart of classical education is a clash of worldview. Classical...